arsino / ɑrˈsi noʊ /


arsino 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. containing the arsino group.


  1. It was very difficult to foresee whether it would be best for him that Cleopatra or that Arsino should succeed.
  2. He took the unhappy Arsino with him, intending to exhibit her as a trophy of his Egyptian victories on his arrival at Rome.
  3. The first use which Cleopatra made of her power was to ask Antony, for her sake, to order her sister Arsino to be slain.
  4. Feeling that Seleucus was becoming dangerously great, he now allied himself with Ptolemy, marrying his daughter Arsino.
  5. On his return Arsino asked the gift of Heraclea, and he granted her request, though he had promised to free the city.