arethusa / ˌær əˈθu zə /


arethusa 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Also called dragon's mouth, swamp pink. an orchid, Arethusa bulbosa, of eastern North America, having a solitary pink flower with a blotched, fringed lip: now rare.
  2. Classical Mythology. a nymph who was changed into a spring to save her when she was being pursued by the river god Alpheus.


  1. Hence the story arose that a cup thrown into the Alpheus appeared again in Arethusa.
  2. A ride to the Fountain of Arethusa had been planned for the next day, and I had the happiness of being invited to join it.
  3. Not long after this the “gallant Arethusa” was wrecked upon the rocks near Ushant, in pursuit of an enemy.
  4. Arethusa always receives her with the respect and honour due to her Queen and Huntress, chaste and fair.
  5. And after all, once started again upon their inland journey, both Philip and his wife regretted not the absence of Arethusa.