a peninsula in SW Asia, including Saudi Arabia, Yemen Arab Republic, People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Kuwait: divided in ancient times into Arabia Deserta, Arabia Petraea, and Arabia Felix. About 1,000,000 sq. mi..
Those finds are another sign of human migrations into Arabia at a time when the corresponding KAM 4 lake bed shows that wet conditions reigned.
Some of those people may have reached Arabia before eventually journeying to southwest Asia, Groucutt suggests.
Arabia, known today for its desert landscape, served as a “green turnstile” for migrating Stone Age members of the human genus starting around 400,000 years ago, a new study finds.
The most notorious states are Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, where death is an acceptable legal remedy.
Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, primarily produces petroleum.
On top of oil, the United States produces significantly more natural gas than Saudi Arabia.
Imagine if hackers from Saudi Arabia said that any TV station in America broadcasting feminists and gays would be attacked?
Qatar is just a little spit of land that looks like a polyp on edge of Saudi Arabia.
Arabia is the most dry country in the world, and one in which water is the most scarce.
For he appears to have subdued first Ethiopia and Troglodytica,705 and afterwards to have passed over into Arabia.
The little zebu of Arabia is not more than a tenth part the size of the bull-elephant.
From Arabia we got the words harem and magazine, and from Turkey the name coffee, though this is really an Arabian word.
In remote antiquity the bulk of gold was brought by the Phenicians from Arabia, which had twenty-two gold mines.