aquiver / əˈkwɪv ər /


aquiver 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. in a state of trepidation or vibrant agitation; trembling; quivering: The bamboo thicket was aquiver with small birds and insects. The exciting news set me aquiver.

aquiver 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. Through the ravine runs a brook; the tiny pebbles at its bottom are all aquiver through its clear eddies.
  2. Her situation had been developing beyond anything she had ever dreamed of; she was aquiver as to what might happen next.
  3. It needs, on the Cetonia's abdomen, a yielding support which the bites of the new-born larva will not set aquiver.
  4. She drew herself up and seemed frightened; her intent gaze was all aquiver, all aglow with expectation.
  5. Susan was staring at me, wide-eyed, her face aquiver with excitement; two deep spots of color flaming on her thin cheeks.