aquatics / (əˈkwætɪks, əˈkwɒt-) /


aquatics 的定义

n. 名词(复数) noun
  1. sports or pastimes performed in or on the water

aquatics 近义词


等同于 swimming

aquatics 的近义词 2


  1. For many years Putney has been a centre of London aquatics, which have set their mark on the riverside.
  2. Aquatics may be said to have reached full swing with the completion of these institutions at the Universities.
  3. It was content to take the patriotic part of guarding national amateur prestige in aquatics.
  4. The sons of each of these old athletes have similarly made their mark in aquatics of the present generation.
  5. Aquatics, with dicious or polygamous flowers from a spathe; outer perianth calyx-like, the inner sometimes wanting.