appellee / ˌæp əˈli /


appellee 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. the defendant or respondent in an appellate proceeding.


  1. In case you find his decision right, bring both the appellant and the appellee to the panglima.
  2. In the same romance we are told that "en lysle de Zellande jadis fut demourante une faee qui estoit appellee Morgane."
  3. Il arriva a la limite du departement une auberge appellee la Grande Prgere, ce fut l qu'il s'arreta pour dejeuner.
  4. Wickham for appellant and Campbell for appellee cited ancient laws and treaties as far back as 1662.
  5. The party appealing is called appellant; the adverse party is the appellee or respondent.