aphelion / əˈfi li ən, əˈfil yən, æpˈhi li ən /


aphelion 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural a·phe·li·a [uh-fee-lee-uh, uh-feel-yuh, ap-hee-lee-uh]. /əˈfi li ə, əˈfil yə, æpˈhi li ə/.

  1. Astronomy. the point in the orbit of a planet or a comet at which it is farthest from the sun.


  1. At its perihelion it travels thousands of leagues per minute; at its aphelion it does not pass over more than a few yards.
  2. Suicide increases when the earth is in aphelion, and decreases when it is in perihelion.
  3. When at aphelion the planets move slower, and when at perihelion they move quicker than at the mean distance.
  4. When its centre is at the extremity most remote from the sun, or aphelion, it is the summer solstice for the northern hemisphere.
  5. The solar tide varies between aphelion and perihelion from 1·9 to 2·1.