aperture-priority / ˈæp ər tʃər praɪˌɒr ɪ ti, -ˌɔr- /


aperture-priority 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. of or relating to a semiautomatic exposure system in which the photographer presets the aperture and the camera selects the shutter speed.


  1. In fact, in a recent study of their users internationally, it was the lowest priority for most.
  2. Current and former intelligence officials have said North Korea has long been a priority target for American spies.
  3. It's not necessarily a deal-breaker, but it is kind of a top priority.
  4. If we want that to change, then all of us have to encourage our legislators to make funding community policing a priority.
  5. “The tribe is really made of people who put travel as a priority in their entire lifestyle,” says Evita.
  6. In the aperture of the window, amid piles of paper, stood a rickety old table, covered with dust.
  7. Hilda suggested that the ticket-clerk should be interrogated, but the aperture of communication with him was shut.
  8. The light which discovered its dismal bounds to his solitary eyes, came from a small grated aperture in the vaulted roof.
  9. Indeed it could hardly have seemed possible to him, that the Duke could have withdrawn himself through that aperture.
  10. As Donovan described and figured this insect many years before Dr. Leach, his name has the right of priority.