antitype / ˈæn tɪˌtaɪp /


antitype 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. something that is foreshadowed by a type or symbol, as a New Testament event prefigured in the Old Testament.


  1. The great Antitype was a literal embodiment of the symbolic panoply of his lesser type.
  2. This loathing had its physical antitype in his horror of the sight or description of bodily disease.
  3. Type needs antitype: As night needs day, as shine needs shade, so good Needs evil: how were pity understood Unless by pain?
  4. All things in the elementary world have their antitype in the celestial, and all celestial things have their corresponding ideas.
  5. A type is a symbol appointed by God to adumbrate something higher in the future, which is called the antitype.