antiseptically / ˌæn təˈsɛp tɪk li /


antiseptically 的定义

adv. 副词 adverb
  1. with the aid of antiseptics.


  1. Because we have all felt that little tug, tickle, or impulse to be antiseptically and impersonally naughty?
  2. It was treated antiseptically and bound up; Blake being laid up for a few days.
  3. It was something of a shock to find that her colorful peasant getup was antiseptically sheathed in a white laboratory coat.
  4. The dressing should then be removed, the wound treated antiseptically, and a sterilized dressing applied.
  5. If this does not clear it up within twenty-four hours, go to a doctor and have him treat it antiseptically.
  6. The latter should be removed once or twice daily and cleansed, and the wound dressed antiseptically.