antiquarian / ˌæn tɪˈkwɛər i ən /


antiquarian2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. pertaining to antiquaries or to the study of antiquities.
  2. of, dealing in, or interested in old or rare books.
n. 名词 noun
  1. an antiquary.
  2. a size of drawing and writing paper, 31 × 53 or 29 × 52 inches.

antiquarian 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

old, ancient

antiquarian 的近义词 8
antiquarian 的反义词 4


  1. In 1650, a Danish physician and antiquarian named Ole Worm conducted the first survey of a Viking cremation burial site known as the Kalvestene.
  2. McMurtry, a onetime co-owner of a bookstore in Washington’s Georgetown neighborhood, also was an obsessive collector of antiquarian books.
  3. But the world of antiquarian maps presented powerful temptations.
  4. The Krogers were set up in Britain as antiquarian booksellers.
  5. Samuel Squire, bishop of St. David's died; a poetical, historical and antiquarian writer of note.
  6. If such a realization had only come a hundred years ago, a great service would have been done the historian and the antiquarian.
  7. The town itself contains no buildings of antiquarian interest, but it has some fine modern edifices.
  8. Vast numbers of lamps have been found in the Catacombs, and specimens abound in almost every antiquarian museum.
  9. A great history must have other merits besides accuracy, antiquarian research, and presentation of authorities and notes.