anticipative / ænˈtɪs əˌpeɪ tɪv, -pə tɪv /


anticipative 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. anticipating or tending to anticipate; expressing, revealing, or containing anticipation: an anticipative action; an anticipative look.

anticipative 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. The Mother thought she had never been so happy before in her life, and the ugly little beast yelped with anticipative joy.
  2. It was an expression of mingled alarm and remonstrance, almost as anticipative as though she had spoken.
  3. "It must have been that which he came to see me about last night," he said, with a sort of anticipative remorse.
  4. The Doctor, looking complacently expansive, cheerily anticipative, welcomed them on the doorstep.
  5. The internal organization of the colonial church is also anticipative.