anopheles / əˈnɒf əˌliz /


anopheles 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural a·noph·e·les.

  1. any mosquito of the genus Anopheles, certain species of which are vectors of the parasite causing malaria in humans, distinguished from other mosquitoes by the absence of breathing tubes in the larvae and by the head-downward stance of the adult while resting or feeding.


  1. In contrast to the veteran Anopheles, the Aedes mosquito did not arrive until the 1980s.
  2. The sexual cycle can take place only within the body of one genus of mosquito, anopheles.
  3. A bite from an anopheles mosquito does not cause malaria unless the particular mosquito has previously bitten a malaria patient.
  4. The stegomyia flies and bites in the early afternoon and again at night, the anopheles flies and bites after sunset.
  5. The chief danger of infection is at night (the Anopheles bite mostly at this time).
  6. The draining of the fens has driven the anopheles mosquito from England, and our countrymen no longer suffer from 'ague.'