anlage / ˈɑn lɑ gə /


anlage 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural an·la·gen [ahn-lah-guhn], /ˈɑn lɑ gən/, an·la·ges.

  1. Embryology. an embryonic area capable of forming a structure: the primordium, germ, or bud.
  2. Psychology. an inherited predisposition to certain traits or to a particular character development.


  1. Braus138 has proved this by transplanting the anlage of a foreleg to different parts of the body.
  2. Rudiment, used here as a translation for the word anlage, which means the first plotting-out or beginning of a living structure.
  3. As this groove is followed caudad its ventral wall is seen to become much thickened, tg, to form the anlage of the thyroid gland.
  4. By virtue of this difference the egg-substance is characterized as the Anlage, or germ of the mature organism.
  5. The respiratory system is represented by the anlage of the lungs, a longitudinal protrusion of the ventral wall of the esophagus.