anaglyph / ˈæn ə glɪf /


anaglyph 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an ornament sculptured or embossed in low relief, as a cameo.
  2. Optics. a composite picture printed in two colors that produces a three-dimensional image when viewed through spectacles having lenses of corresponding colors.


  1. The anaglyph was peculiar to the Egyptian priests; the hieroglyph generally known to the well educated.
  2. If he had been a priest of Serapis for fifty years, he could not have known the Anaglyph better!
  3. The anaglyph was peculiar to the Egyptian priests—the hieroglyph generally known to the well educated.
  4. If he had been a priest of Serapis for fifty years he could not have known the anaglyph better.