amyloidosis 的定义
plural am·y·loi·do·ses [am-uh-loi-doh-seez]. /ˌæm ə lɔɪˈdoʊ siz/. Pathology.
- a deposit of amyloid in tissues or organs.
- the diseased state resulting from this deposit.
- She raised a family in this corner of Chicago with husband Mike, who was 61 when he died in December of amyloidosis, a rare blood cancer.
- In this case, the technology was applied towards a therapy for transthyretin amyloidosis, a genetic disease that causes sufferers’ livers to produce a protein that eventually builds up to toxic levels.
- Transthyretin amyloidosis causes a defective protein called amyloid to build up in the body resulting in progressive nerve damage and, in many cases, heart failure.
- It was the amyloidosis that sometimes made it difficult for Lew Hill to walk around their block.
- The cause was cardiac amyloidosis, said his wife, Margaret Kepner.