amylic / əˈmɪl ɪk /


amylic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, relating to, or characterized by the amyl group.


  1. It may be produced by passing a stream of nitrous acid gas through purified amylic alcohol at a temperature of 132 C.
  2. The behavior of the amylic alcohol, thus colored red, with hydrochloric acid and ammonia is characteristic.
  3. The filtrate, if shaken up with amylic alcohol, gives it in either case a red color.
  4. Amylic Alcohol dissolves all the alkaloids, if they are in a free state, and it also takes up a little of the resin.
  5. For the detection of magenta the filtrate is mixed with a few drops of acetic acid, and it is then shaken up with amylic alcohol.