amplexus / æmˈplɛk səs /


amplexus 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural am·plex·us·es, am·plex·us.

  1. the clasping posture of fertilization in frogs and toads.


  1. Amplexus and spawning occur mainly within a day or two after the frogs reach the ponds.
  2. In amplexus the members of a pair sometimes become glued together by their viscous dermal secretions.
  3. In cuius amplexus desideratissimos ruens rex, ipsam in maius quam dici possit gaudium suscepit.
  4. Quod prdicta oscula et amplexus essent immunes a motu libidinis et essent motiva maxim humiliationis ex supposita unione cum Deo.
  5. Some of the specimens contain producti, and fragments of the coral named amplexus.