amnion / ˈæm ni ən /


amnion 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural am·ni·ons, am·ni·a [am-nee-uh]. /ˈæm ni ə/.

  1. Anatomy, Zoology. the innermost of the embryonic or fetal membranes of reptiles, birds, and mammals; the sac in which the embryo is suspended.
  2. Zoology. a similar membrane of insects and other invertebrates.

amnion 近义词


等同于 bag of waters


  1. Between these is a gelatinous substance, and within the amnion is a fluid, called the liquor amnii.
  2. The whole being surrounded by two membranous coverings, the outer one called the chorion, and the inner one the amnion.
  3. The amnion forms a small fold covering over the cephalic extremity of the embryo, which is deeply embedded in the yolk.
  4. Both it and the stalk of the yolk-sack are enveloped by the amnion (am).
  5. It adheres to the amnion and supplies it with blood-vessels (Bischoff).