ammonite / ˈæm əˌnaɪt /


ammonite 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the coiled, chambered fossil shell of an ammonoid.


  1. The land north of the Arnon became Amorite; but the Ammonite frontier was too well defended to be broken through.
  2. Ammonite: Favier type; ammonium nitrate 75, dinitronaphthalene or other nitro-body, salt 20.
  3. Ramshorn, ramz′horn, n. a semicircular work of low profile in the ditch of a fortified place: an ammonite: a fossil cephalopod.
  4. It has been divided on the coast into four distinct zones, each characterised by its own particular species of ammonite.
  5. There was Mr. H. of the Linnean Society, whose waxed moustache curled round upon itself like an ammonite.