ammoniac / əˈmoʊ niˌæk /


ammoniac2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Also am·mo·ni·a·cum [am-uh-nahy-uh-kuhm]. /ˌæm əˈnaɪ ə kəm/. gum ammoniac.
adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. For myself, I generally prefer the colour given by ammoniac salt; it is artistical and sufficient for any purpose.
  2. Rub thoroughly with strong brine, or a solution of sal ammoniac dissolved in eight times its weight of water.
  3. It absorbs one-sixth more than its bulk of alkaline air, and with it forms the common sal ammoniac.
  4. One measure of this air saturates two of alkaline air, and with it forms the vitriolic ammoniac.
  5. Platina is precipitated from a solution in aqua regia by sal-ammoniac, as gold is by martial vitriol.