alloxan / əˈlɒk sən /


alloxan 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a white crystalline pyrimidine derivative, C4H2O4N2, used in biomedical research to induce diabetes in laboratory animals.


  1. Sulphuretted hydrogen gas is passed, in a full stream, through a moderately strong aqueous solution of alloxan, in the cold.
  2. The impure mother-liquor from which crystals of alloxan have separated, if diluted with water, may be used for this purpose.
  3. When caffeine is carefully oxidized with chlorine, it yields dimethyl-alloxan and methyl-urea.
  4. Dialuric, dī-a-lū′rik, adj. pertaining to alloxan and uric acid.