alleviator / əˈli viˌeɪ tər /


alleviator 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person or thing that alleviates.
  2. an airtight box, having a free liquid surface, for cushioning the shock of water hammer.

alleviator 近义词


等同于 moderator


  1. O thou sweet alleviator of anxious toils, be propitious to me, whenever duly invoking thee!
  2. All that is bestowed upon me of that kindest alleviator of human miseries comes dashed with a double portion of contempt.
  3. And I can go to the stores if it does rain52 and go up in the alleviator, for I brought my little umbrella.
  4. Photography does not merely pander to the gratification of earthly vanity, but is an alleviator of human misery.
  5. The conversation of a friend is a powerful alleviator of the fatigue of walking.