alienist / ˌeɪl yə nɪst, ˌeɪ li ə- /


alienist 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a doctor specializing in the treatment of mental illness.
  2. an expert witness in a sanity trial.


  1. There might have been employment here for the alienist or for those who circulate the pledge; but I had had enough of it.
  2. Dr. Carew proved to be a young and enthusiastic alienist whose heart and soul was in his work.
  3. By way of a joke we tackled a medical alienist who had a seat on the commission.
  4. It is possible, however, that this very opinion may be a fixed idea or symptomatic eccentricity of the alienist himself.
  5. I think we'll have to take him up to the city to consult some prominent alienist, as the newspapers would say.