aleatory / ˈeɪ li əˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i, ˈæl i- /


aleatory 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Law. depending on a contingent event: an aleatory contract.
  2. of or relating to accidental causes; of luck or chance; unpredictable: an aleatory element.
  3. Music. employing the element of chance in the choice of tones, rests, durations, rhythms, dynamics, etc.

aleatory 近义词


等同于 unplanned


  1. This was the aleatory element in life, the element of risk and loss, good or bad fortune.
  2. The aleatory element has always been the connecting link between the struggle for existence and religion.
  3. It was only by religious rites that the aleatory element in the struggle for existence could be controlled.
  4. The folkways, deeply concerned in the aleatory interest, work out the applications.
  5. There is behind them an assumption as to the character and logic of the superior powers who rule the aleatory interest.