albion / ˈæl bi ən /


albion 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Alebion.
  2. a city in S Michigan.
  3. Literary. Britain.

albion 近义词


等同于 United Kingdom


  1. Albion was "consid'able of a joker," Mr. Peaslee reflected gloomily.
  2. Albion Small, who was "consid'able of a joker," suddenly choked.
  3. Shall I ever enjoy a supper again as I enjoyed the tripe and onions washed down with bitter beer at the bar of the old Albion?
  4. I reached Albion in time for dinner, and immediately made myself comfortable at the hotel.
  5. And if this be true, then the uplifted sword of Albion is, verily, nothing but a goose-killing knife.