airspeed / ˈɛərˌspid /


airspeed 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the forward speed of an aircraft relative to the air through which it moves.


  1. AmazonThis electric corded leaf blower vacuum is capable of collecting and distributing leaves and other debris with an airspeed of 80 to 210 miles per hour.
  2. A six-speed dial with top airspeed of 185 miles per hour offers plenty of flexibility, and the cushioned over mold grip brings users ample comfort during extended use.
  3. In those conditions, it’s easy to misjudge airspeed and closing distances.
  4. This hand-held, gas-powered unit delivers 430 CSM, with an airspeed of 200 MPH.
  5. Husqvarna’s general purpose leaf blower has a healthy CFM of 495, and an airspeed of 180 MPH.
  6. Gradually, he is able to gain airspeed and recover from the roll.
  7. The pilot, a big-boned Britisher who had two jobs to do at once, watched the airspeed indicator.
  8. I've never had her above 2.5, but the airspeed gauge is marked up to four.