airbus / ˈɛərˌbʌs /


airbus 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a short-range or medium-range commercial passenger airplane, especially one that is part of a frequent shuttlelike service between two popular destinations.

airbus 近义词


等同于 jet


等同于 plane


等同于 airplane


  1. Last March they gave Airbus a huge piece of new business, ordering 169 A320s and 65 of the slightly larger A321.
  2. Like him, they identified the Airbus A320 as an airplane extremely well fitted to low cost airline operations in Asia.
  3. They should have pointed the nose of the Airbus down and applied more power.
  4. By 2011, Airbus was working on a program to replicate these conditions in a flight simulator for use in pilot training.
  5. The wreckage of the Airbus A320 has been located in relatively shallow water.
  6. He opened the letter when he had settled down in a comfortable morris chair in the airbus.