air-to-surface / ˈɛər təˈsɜr fəs /


air-to-surface2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. operating or directed from a flying aircraft to the surface: air-to-surface missiles.
adv. 副词 adverb
  1. from a flying aircraft to the surface of the earth: They released the rockets air-to-surface.


  1. And Air Force assessors are the first to say such imaging never tells the whole story.
  2. Sprawled on chaise lounges with their knees high in the air and their legs spread wide.
  3. Indeed, Lion Air, with 45 percent of the domestic Indonesian airline market, has swallowed the Fernandes formula whole.
  4. There is a larger reason, beyond the airlines themselves, why Lion Air and 61 other Indonesian airlines are on this black list.
  5. The Pentagon said Faal served in the Air Force for seven years, during which time he became a U.S. citizen.
  6. Each day she resolved, "To-morrow I will tell Felipe;" and when to-morrow came, she put it off again.
  7. Bells were pealing and tolling in all directions, and the air was filled with the sound of distant shouts and cries.
  8. All the operations of her brain related themselves somehow to to-morrow afternoon.
  9. First a shower of shells dropping all along the lower ridges and out over the surface of the Bay.
  10. It is to be remembered, however, that a few of these bacteria may reach the sputum from the upper air-passages.