agro-industry / ˈæg roʊˌɪn də stri /


agro-industry 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural ag·ro-in·dus·tries.

  1. the large-scale production, processing, and packaging of food using modern equipment and methods.


  1. The fashion industry could never, would never, state its exclusion of black models overtly.
  2. But now his politics were offending the progressive sensibilities of the American film industry.
  3. The airline industry objects that sometimes these deployable recorders can pop out without cause, spreading needless alarm.
  4. Religious profiteering has spread beyond the tourism industry.
  5. In 2015 I am looking forward to working with more people in the industry and doing crazier and crazier scenes!
  6. His superior talents and untiring industry were under the direction of philanthropic and Christian impulses.
  7. But for the most part even industry and endowment were powerless against the inertia of custom and the dead-weight of environment.
  8. Here and there exceptional industry or extraordinary capacity raised the artisan to wealth and turned the "man" into the "master."
  9. Peace, also—or peace under the old conditions of industry—is infinitely wasteful of human energy.
  10. Industrial society, they say, must be reorganized from top to bottom; private industry must cease.