agro-industrialize / ˌæg roʊ ɪnˈdʌs tri əˌlaɪz /


agro-industrialize2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

ag·ro-in·dus·tri·al·ized, ag·ro-in·dus·tri·al·iz·ing.

  1. to industrialize the agriculture of: to agro-industrialize a developing nation.
  2. to convert or organize into an agro-industry: to agro-industrialize livestock production.
v. 无主动词 verb

ag·ro-in·dus·tri·al·ized, ag·ro-in·dus·tri·al·iz·ing.

  1. to become an agro-industry.


  1. Still, as China races to industrialize, its government policies will likely exacerbate such problems.
  2. It has a frontage of one hundred feet on the Via Appia, and an extension in agro of two hundred and thirty feet.
  3. Fior di limone!Limone agro e non si puoi mangiareMa son pi agre le pene d'amore.
  4. His artibus cum Hannibalem Fabius in agro Falerno locorum angustiis clausisset, ille sine ullo exercitus detrimento se expedivit.
  5. Eight years ago, India and China both set out to industrialize themselves.
  6. The words ex agro Sabino form an attributive phrase qualifying Romanos just as rusticos does.