agricultural / ˈæg rɪˌkʌl tʃər /


agricultural 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the science, art, or occupation concerned with cultivating land, raising crops, and feeding, breeding, and raising livestock; farming.
  2. the production of crops, livestock, or poultry.
  3. agronomy.

agricultural 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

concerning farming, land


  1. In smaller cities, manual industries, like mining and agriculture, tend to account for a bigger share of the economy.
  2. The only silver lining in India’s worst-ever quarterly GDP contraction was the agriculture sector.
  3. This technology would spread across the world, affecting not just the demand side, supermarkets, but the agriculture supply side.
  4. The general trends could best be characterized as high-volume and standardized agriculture.
  5. We really— we have to make agriculture green which is a strange, strange thing to say.
  6. A Minnesota based agricultural/industrial construction company.
  7. These agricultural pests migrate in mid-summer to the Rocky Mountains from Kansas and Nebraska to beat the heat.
  8. Carver was an agricultural and industrial pioneer—in more ways than one.
  9. And when he died, another agricultural pioneer was just starting to bring research to bear on food production.
  10. We may see hemp again become a major American agricultural product.
  11. Virginia leaf still continues to flourish, and to-day it is the great agricultural product of the State.
  12. "It's dogged as does it," is not only the maxim of agricultural labourers in remote country districts.
  13. The duke was agricultural above all things; he had a model estate bristling with scientific improvement.
  14. The use of the high-pressure steam agricultural engine was not confined to Cornwall.
  15. I am so young and inexperienced, and so ignorant of agricultural matters, I should make a poor farmer.