- 看过 agricultural 的人也看了 :
- horticulture
- culture
- cultivation
- husbandry
- agronomy
- tillage
- agronomics
agricultural 的定义
- the science, art, or occupation concerned with cultivating land, raising crops, and feeding, breeding, and raising livestock; farming.
- the production of crops, livestock, or poultry.
- agronomy.
agricultural 近义词
concerning farming, land
agricultural 的近义词 9 个
- In smaller cities, manual industries, like mining and agriculture, tend to account for a bigger share of the economy.
- The only silver lining in India’s worst-ever quarterly GDP contraction was the agriculture sector.
- This technology would spread across the world, affecting not just the demand side, supermarkets, but the agriculture supply side.
- The general trends could best be characterized as high-volume and standardized agriculture.
- We really— we have to make agriculture green which is a strange, strange thing to say.
- A Minnesota based agricultural/industrial construction company.
- These agricultural pests migrate in mid-summer to the Rocky Mountains from Kansas and Nebraska to beat the heat.
- Carver was an agricultural and industrial pioneer—in more ways than one.
- And when he died, another agricultural pioneer was just starting to bring research to bear on food production.
- We may see hemp again become a major American agricultural product.
- Virginia leaf still continues to flourish, and to-day it is the great agricultural product of the State.
- "It's dogged as does it," is not only the maxim of agricultural labourers in remote country districts.
- The duke was agricultural above all things; he had a model estate bristling with scientific improvement.
- The use of the high-pressure steam agricultural engine was not confined to Cornwall.
- I am so young and inexperienced, and so ignorant of agricultural matters, I should make a poor farmer.