agouti / əˈgu ti /


agouti 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural a·gou·tis, a·gou·ties.

  1. any of several short-haired, short-eared, rabbitlike rodents of the genus Dasyprocta, of South and Central America and the West Indies, destructive to sugarcane.
  2. an irregularly barred pattern of the fur of certain rodents.
  3. an animal having fur of this pattern.


  1. It is said by the Indians that the jaguar decoys the agouti in the same manner, by counterfeiting his cry.
  2. The akouchi is generally smaller than the agouti, and its hair is not red, but of an olive colour.
  3. The akouchi confines itself solely to large forests; he feeds upon fruits, and has the same natural habits as the agouti.
  4. As the mouse and the rat attack the gathered fruits of the earth, the agouti preys on those yet standing in the field.
  5. At first thought, Manuel was going to shoot the agouti, but he quickly thinks better of it.