aedes / eɪˈi diz /
aedes 的定义
- In contrast to the veteran Anopheles, the Aedes mosquito did not arrive until the 1980s.
- The story centers on Aedes albopictus, aka the Tiger mosquito, a newcomer to the New World.
- O pulerae sine luxes aedes, vitaeque decore Splendida paupertas ingenuusque pudor!
- Aedes in colle Quirinali Romulo constituta, ipse pro deo cultus et Quirinus est appellatus.
- Postridie omnes ad aedes regias convenerunt silentesque exspectabant quid futurum esset.
- The very officers of the Plebeians, the famous Plebeian aediles, get their name from association with this temple (aedes).
- Like the David, it used to live out of doors, until in 1755 Nicolaus Martelli "in aedes suas transtulit."