aedes / eɪˈi diz /


aedes 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. yellow-fever mosquito.
  2. any mosquito of the genus Aedes.


  1. In contrast to the veteran Anopheles, the Aedes mosquito did not arrive until the 1980s.
  2. The story centers on Aedes albopictus, aka the Tiger mosquito, a newcomer to the New World.
  3. O pulerae sine luxes aedes, vitaeque decore Splendida paupertas ingenuusque pudor!
  4. Aedes in colle Quirinali Romulo constituta, ipse pro deo cultus et Quirinus est appellatus.
  5. Postridie omnes ad aedes regias convenerunt silentesque exspectabant quid futurum esset.
  6. The very officers of the Plebeians, the famous Plebeian aediles, get their name from association with this temple (aedes).
  7. Like the David, it used to live out of doors, until in 1755 Nicolaus Martelli "in aedes suas transtulit."