adulteress / əˈdʌl tər ɪs, -trɪs /


adulteress 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a woman who commits adultery.


  1. This is at least better than the Code of Hammurabi, which considered the rape victim an adulteress.
  2. When residents gathered, the fighters told them to carry out the sentence: Stoning to death for the alleged adulteress.
  3. By definition, of course, a cuckold is the “husband of an adulteress.”
  4. The prophet is commanded again to love an adulteress; to signify God's love to the synagogue.
  5. But I have no difficulty in recognising in her the everlasting would-be adulteress, of whom our drama has made such abuse.
  6. Has he not run too great a risk in confiding the education of a pure-minded girl to an adulteress?
  7. Whatever may be the punishment of the adulteress, I merit it.
  8. He saw then that it was for this he had been led to marry a woman who turned out a gross adulteress.