adsum / ˈɑd sʊm; English ˈæd sʌm /


adsum 的定义

interj. 感叹词 interjection


  1. I am present.


  1. There he passed the remainder of his days, and there he said "Adsum" when his name was called for the last time in this world.
  2. Instead of answering “Here” or “Adsum,” in the usual way, the boy whose name was called stood in his place and held up his hand.
  3. Adsum amicis, venio in senatum frequens ultroque affero res multum et diu cogitatas easque tueor animi, non corporis viribus.
  4. The one crucial call had come for him, and he could not answer "Adsum."
  5. Once more it was France's good fortune to be able to answer, Adsum.