adnate / ˈæd neɪt /


adnate 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. grown fast to something; congenitally attached.


  1. The pinnules are from a line to two lines long, and are adnate to the secondary rachis by a more or less decurrent base.
  2. Frustules oblong or quadrate, adnate in filaments, attached by alternate angles and finally separating.
  3. Frustules in zone view cuneate, adnate in circular or spiral fasci, at length becoming free.
  4. Stamens twice as many as the lobes of the corolla; filaments flat, united at the base into a short tube; anthers linear, adnate.
  5. Stamens 6–12, more or less united with the style; anthers adnate, extrorse.