adieux / əˈdu, əˈdyu; French aˈdyœ /


adieux2 个定义

interj. 感叹词 interjection
  1. goodbye; farewell.
n. 名词 noun

plural a·dieus, a·dieux [uh-dooz, uh-dyooz; French a-dyœ]. /əˈduz, əˈdyuz; French aˈdyœ/.

  1. the act of leaving or departing; farewell.

adieux 近义词

n. 名词 noun

parting remark or action

adieux 的近义词 8
adieux 的反义词 2


  1. He made his adieux; but almost before the door had closed behind him Evie had risen from her hassock.
  2. Then Murray and Helen made their adieux, and all went away together.
  3. When the time came for Thinkright to make his adieux she clung to him.
  4. Then he made his adieux, but returned before he had shut the door after him.
  5. The moments had grown a little difficult and Thomasina took advantage of his coming to make her adieux.