adenoma / ˌæd nˈoʊ mə /


adenoma 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural ad·e·no·mas, ad·e·no·ma·ta [ad-n-oh-muh-tuh]. /ˌæd nˈoʊ mə tə/. Pathology.

  1. a benign tumor originating in a secretory gland.
  2. a benign tumor of glandlike structure.


  1. The innocent forms are the papilloma and the adenoma; the malignant, the carcinoma or cancer.
  2. As it resembles an adenoma in structure it is sometimes described as a malignant adenoma.
  3. It is to be noted that there are no toxic symptoms in cystic adenoma.
  4. Epithelioma of the scalp may originate in relation to a wart, an ulcerated wen or sebaceous adenoma, or the cicatrix of a burn.