acto 的定义
plural ac·tos [ak-tohz; Spanish ahk-taws]. /ˈæk toʊz; Spanish ˈɑk tɔs/. Southwestern U.S.
- a short, realistic play, usually in Spanish, that dramatizes the social and economic problems of Chicanos.
- The suspect, he said, was dressed in black and armed with what appeared to be an X-Acto knife.
- Acto continuo dispusironle una frugal colacin, y sentse con su hija la mesa.
- So fah so good, fo' a play-acto's church—ef you kin git sich a church into the imagination o' yo' mind!
- Confiaron su pensamiento a la doncella,15 quien ofreci protegerlo mediante una cantidad que se le entregara en el acto.
- It wuz long-headed, too, fo' Hugh an' the play-acto's to give him the job.
- He naturally became a candidate for sole regent after the passage of the Acto Addicional, or amendment to the constitution.