acetaminophen / əˌsi təˈmɪn ə fən, ˌæs ɪ tə- /


acetaminophen 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a crystalline substance, C8H9NO2, used as a headache and pain reliever and to reduce fever.


  1. I brought acetaminophen, because I know I get headaches when I’m hungry, and ibuprofen for muscle strains.
  2. The liver also processes a large number of pharmaceutical drugs, such as acetaminophen.
  3. When I went under the knife, I had to make do with acetaminophen, which just isn’t suitable for durable pain relief—and does nothing for the inflammation that follows surgically injured tissue.
  4. One was denied, in part because he’d already been to the doctor, and the denial noted he’d received acetaminophen pain medication.
  5. New London Pharmacy said one of its regular distributors stopped shipping Percocet, a combination of oxycodone and acetaminophen.
  6. More compellingly, the more and the earlier Mom took acetaminophen, the stronger the association.
  7. Now that a Danish study has associated maternal use of acetaminophen with ADHD, mothers are likely to panic.