acetabulum / ˌæs ɪˈtæb yə ləm /


acetabulum 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural ac·e·tab·u·la [as-i-tab-yuh-luh]. /ˌæs ɪˈtæb yə lə/.

  1. Anatomy. the socket in the hipbone that receives the head of the thighbone.
  2. Zoology. any of the suction appendages of a leech, octopus, etc.


  1. In Birds the acetabulum is perforated, as in many of the fossils named Dinosaurs, and in Monotremata.
  2. Secondly, the ilium is elongated, and extends quite as much in front of the acetabulum as behind it.
  3. The ilium is a somewhat cylindrical bone which at its ventral end meets the ischium, and forms part of the acetabulum.
  4. Each half bears at its posterior end a deep cup, the acetabulum, with which the head of the femur articulates.
  5. All three bones contribute largely to the formation of the acetabulum, with which the head of the femur articulates.