acequia 的定义
plural a·ce·quias [uh-sey-kyuhz; Spanish ah-se-kyahs]. /əˈseɪ kyəz; Spanish ɑˈsɛ kyɑs/. Southwestern U.S.
- an irrigation ditch.
- The dry reservoir and the ruined acequia proved the care that had in former times been bestowed on its irrigation.
- He said his horse had stumbled into an acequia in the darkness and fallen on him, and now he wanted to get up.
- The Acequia Court is one of the most beautiful of the patios in the buildings comprising the Alhambra.
- It's all out of kindness, isn't it, that he's going to make the rocks fly away out of the acequia to-morrow?
- Circling the camp at wide distance, he had crossed the acequia and reached the Gila road.