acclimation [ ăk′lə-māshən ]


acclimation 的定义

n. 名词 noun

    acclimation 近义词

    n. 名词 noun


    acclimation 的近义词 2


    1. In general the tribute of acclimation is not so soon paid by emigrants in Lima as in other tropical regions.
    2. This gradual adaptation to circumstances by an accommodating power is termed, in philosophical language, acclimation.
    3. His breath came faster, and his great chest rose and fell; these were the only indications of acclimation.
    4. Propagation by seeds, then, is an inconvenient method, only to be resorted to for purposes of acclimation.
    5. The location being so central, it insures the nearest approach to perfect acclimation of animals sent to any part of the Union.