abounding / əˈbaʊnd /


abounding 的定义

v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to occur or exist in great quantities or numbers: a stream in which trout abound.
  2. to be rich or well supplied: The region abounds in coal.
  3. to be filled; teem: The ship abounds with rats.

abounding 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. As the new school year begins, affluent families are building pandemic pods and inequities abound, while surveys suggest that college students want tuition discounts for online classes.
  2. Logistical problems—and downstream social consequences for students themselves—abound.
  3. Walking in the place sort of reminds one of an East Coast Winchester house, curiosities and eccentric furnishings abound, with hallways and staircases jutting in all directions.
  4. Many sessions at wedding industry conferences and meet-ups include social media topics, and webinars and blogs abound with information on how vendors can better execute an Instagram strategy.
  5. Ways abound, and some of these ways can be dauntingly technical.
  6. With the IPO of Facebook pending, however, and hungry startups abounding, that is a thin reed supporting a weighty enterprise.
  7. Soon, theories were abounding in the blogosphere about the motivation and real identity of the writer.
  8. That it comes from another and similar Iroquois word, meaning "lake," being applied to the country as a region abounding in lakes.
  9. At any rate, this pit is a very lovely one, abounding in the most luxuriant vegetation.
  10. Between Erythræ and Hypocremnus is Mimas,77 a lofty mountain, abounding with beasts of chase, and well wooded.
  11. With what enthusiasm, what vigor, what youthfulness do the denizens of this modern world manifest their abounding vitality!
  12. I think it was having come across a very damp country, abounding in plastic clay, that put this idea into my head.